What Temp to Wrap Brisket in Butcher Paper (How, What & When)

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Wondering what temperature to wrap your brisket at?

Your in the right place!

Brisket can be tough to master.

So below you’ll learn what temp to wrap it at, and whether you should use butcher papers or aluminum foil!

There are so many questions about wrapping brisket during the cooking process!

This guide will help you answer them.

At What Temperature Should You Wrap a Brisket?

You should wrap the brisket when it reaches 145°F. This is the temperature you start to experience the dreaded stall.

The brisket stall is the point when the internal temperature stops rising.

Sometimes you may want to wrap it at 140°F if you notice the temperature isn’t rising. That means you should wrap it when the meat gets to this temperature.

Wrapping it anywhere between 140°F – 170°F will probably result in a juicy brisket. A lot of experts agree that 150°F is the sweet spot for wrapping in butcher paper.

If the meat isn’t getting hotter, wrapping it will increase heat retention. Then the smoking process will speed up as the meat heats up.

Why Should You Wrap Brisket?

It helps with the stall and keeps the meat moist.

Wrapping brisket also decreases the cooking time during the smoking process.

Since the wrap holds heat, the internal temperature will rise more quickly.

The extra moisture retention also leads to juicier meat. Some people refer to this phenomenon as sweaty meat.

It gives you more control over the bark.

The bark may fall off during the cooking process if the brisket is unwrapped.

How Long Should You Cook For After Wrapping?

You should continue to smoke the brisket after it’s been wrapped until it reaches 204°F

Then you want to remove it from the smoker and wrap it and place it in a cooler.

Why Should You Smoke a Naked Brisket?

Many competition pit masters wrap their brisket

However, there are a lot of people who prefer to smoke their brisket naked.

They believe wrapping it results in a loss of smoke flavor.

You may have a less crunchy bark on a wrapped brisket.

There are differing opinions on the softer bark texture.

Remember to check frequently with a meat probe to avoid overcooked meat.

How to Judge the Bark to Wrap a Brisket

Some seasoned cooks look at the bark to know when to wrap the brisket.

When a dark bark has formed, it may be ready.

By looking at the brisket bark, you can also ensure you get a more decent bark.

Wrapping it earlier will result in a less crusty bark than waiting to wrap it.

Another way to tell if the bark is set is to scratch it lightly.

If the crisp bark remains, then it’s probably ready for the wrapping process.

When to Pull The Brisket From The Smoker?

You should pull your brisket from the smoker when it reaches an internal temperature of 204°F.

Once you have wrapped your brisket insert a temp probe to monitor it.

This will ensure you pull it off at the right time.

How Should You Wrap a Brisket?

Pitmasters across the country have different preferences.

Let’s learn about the pros and cons of each brisket wrapping technique.

Aluminum Foil

This is referred to as the Texas Crutch Method.

The Texas Crutch is considered the best method by many pit masters.

Simply wrap the brisket in foil tightly. For best results, use two sheets of aluminum foil.

Some people may even make a “boat” out of heavy-duty aluminum foil to set the brisket on. They will also add liquid if they do it this way.

While adding liquid is optional, it can keep the meat moist. Some people use apple juice, barbecue sauce, or beef stock to get juicy meat.

Butcher Paper

This is a favorite of many Texas pit masters. However, it’s not as simple as the Texas Crutch.

Pink butcher paper is the best type of material to use for wrapping brisket.

You will wrap the meat as though you’re wrapping a birthday present.

You’ll want to use a bigger piece of butcher paper than you think. This allows you to double wrap and ensure that you have a tight seal.

You may need to practice this method, but you might love the results!

A lot of grill masters agree that pink butcher paper is the best option if you go this route.

Parchment Paper

Some people prefer to wrap their brisket in parchment paper. Although it is possible, it isn’t necessarily a good idea.

Parchment paper doesn’t hold up in a pellet grill as well as other options.

It is thin and tears easily.

Other people may be tempted to use freezer paper.

Do not use freezer paper!

It is not designed for grilling and can cause some serious problems.

Foil and Towel Method

After cooking the meat in foil, wrap it up in a towel.

Place the meat in a cooler.

This is known as the “faux Cambro” method.

It lets the meat rest for a few hours until you serve it.

It also keeps the brisket warm and safe until guests arrive.

Whether you decide to wrap it while smoking or not, you may want to wrap it while it rests.

This helps you end up with the perfect brisket.

Whether you use pink butcher paper or foil, you want to make sure you wrap the brisket at the right temperature.

This will result in a delicious cooked brisket!

Most experts say to wrap the meat at 150°F.

However, you’ll have good results if you wrap it anywhere between 140°F – 170°F.

Most importantly, follow delicious brisket recipes and you won’t be disappointed!

Smoke On!


Hi, I’m Charlie, I have been meat-smoking and grilling for the past 15 years. I have an array of different smokers, thermometers, and have a love for finding the right wood and charcoal combo My favourite recipes are my EXTRA CRISPY smoked pork belly, juicy pulled pork, smoked brisket, duck poppers, and ANY SEAFOOD I grill).

I loves sharing his tips with beginners, helping them navigate the world of smoking. I find it’s not just about cooking; it’s a quest for that perfect smoky flavor.

You will usually find me playing with the kids, perfecting my brisket bark, or sipping beers with boys around the fire. Can’t wait to share all my delicious smoking and grilling recipes with you!

You can read more about me on our About Us page.

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