Turkey Preperation

Do You Rinse Turkey After Brining or Should You Let it Dry Naturally?


Wondering if you need to rinse raw turkey after it has been brined? You would think that cooking techniques have the right way or the wrong way. Guess again! When it comes to brining turkey meat there is a lot of debate about rinsing the excess salt off. Or whether you leave it to naturally

Do You Rinse Turkey After Brining or Should You Let it Dry Naturally? Read More »

Can You Brine a Turkey Too Long? (Season Your Turkey Like a Pro)


Wondering if you can end up brining your turkey for too long? Brining is a great technique to achieve succulent turkey meat. Leaving you will flavorful turkey meat that retains moisture during cooking. But can something great turn bad? And is there a certain period before it ruins the meat?  Yes, There Is a Limit

Can You Brine a Turkey Too Long? (Season Your Turkey Like a Pro) Read More »

How Do You Keep A Turkey Breast From Drying Out In The Smoker?

can i keep turkey breast from drying out

Smoked turkey is a perfect family feast. Perfect for a weeknight meal or a Thanksgiving dinner. Smoking your turkey can help add a layer of smoky flavor that you may fail to achieve if you go the roasting route. However, you may find your turkey breasts dry out while smoking. Below are my techniques that will

How Do You Keep A Turkey Breast From Drying Out In The Smoker? Read More »